1 Read, think and answer. Discuss with your partner. 1 How often do you use a computer each week? 2 Where do you use computers? 3 Do you use a phone every day? 4 Do you send messages? Who to? 5 How often do you look at websites each week?​


Ответ дал: abr16

1. It depends on the individual's occupation and lifestyle. Some people may use a computer every day for work, while others may use it only a few times a week for personal tasks.

2. Computers can be used at home, school, office, library, or other public places with computer access.

3. Yes, many people use phones every day for communication, entertainment, and other purposes.

4. Yes, people send messages to their friends, family, colleagues, or other contacts via various messaging apps or platforms.

5. Again, it varies from person to person. Some may look at websites multiple times a day for work or leisure, while others may browse the internet less frequently.

vladkorobchenkov: дякую
Ответ дал: finntee228
1. I use a computer several hours each day, so that would be nearly every day of the week.
2. I use computers at home, at work, and occasionally at public places like libraries.
3. Yes, I use a phone every day.
4. Yes, I send messages, mostly to friends, family, and coworkers.
5. I look at websites daily for various purposes, so I would say multiple times a day, adding up to several hours each week.

Feel free to discuss these questions with your partner or ask if you have any more related questions.
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