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Synonyms and common names of common yarrow. Tile grass, Achilles, goose tongues, Jew's grass, yarrow, yarrow, silverwort, motherwort, white mush, perennial grass. The pharmaceutical name is common yarrow. Herba Millefolii (yarrow grass), Anthodium Millefolii (yarrow flowers), Flores Millefolii (yarrow flowers).

Botanical description of common yarrow. Gervais is a perennial plant with a height of 10-80 cm. It has a creeping rhizome with thin additional roots.

The stem is erect, branched at the top, woody at the base. The leaves are pinnate, lanceolate. The flowers are collected in shield-shaped inflorescences. The fruit is a seed. The prevalence of common yarrow. Widespread in Eurasia - from Iceland to Mongolia. It is found in North America, Australia, New Zealand. It is cultivated in some countries.

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