3 You are going to write a blog post. Make notes to complete the planner.
Part of description
Blog name
Date of post
Blog post title
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Useful information
What is your whole blog called?
Choose the day you wrote the
blog post.
What is the title of this blog post?
Say where you went and when you got
back. Say how you felt.
Talk about who you were with, where
you went and what you did on the trip.
Talk about someone you met. What was
he/she like?
Talk about something else you did on
the trip, such as take photographs. Say
how you felt about the trip.
Your notes


Ответ дал: vladuslavantoshevski


Part of description: Writing a travel blog post.

Blog name: "Wanderlust Chronicles."

Date of post: September 15, 2023.

Blog post title: "A Serene Escape to the Swiss Alps."

Paragraph 1:

Introduction to the blog post.

Mention the date of the trip (July 10-17, 2023).

Express excitement and anticipation for the journey.

Paragraph 2:

Describe the travel companions (my best friend, Sarah).

Mention the destination (Swiss Alps).

Highlight the breathtaking scenery and the initial sense of awe.

Share the activities we planned for the trip, like hiking and exploring local culture.

Paragraph 3:

Discuss a memorable encounter with a local guide, Hans.

Describe Hans as warm and knowledgeable about the region.

Share interesting stories and insights learned from Hans.

Explain how meeting him enriched the travel experience.

Paragraph 4:

Talk about capturing the beauty of the Swiss Alps through photography.

Describe the emotions felt while witnessing stunning landscapes.

Mention specific spots or moments that were particularly captivating.

Reflect on the overall experience, how it met or exceeded expectations.

Useful information:

Blog name: Wanderlust Chronicles.

Date of post: September 15, 2023.

Blog post title: A Serene Escape to the Swiss Alps.

These notes provide the structure and key points for the travel blog post about a trip to the Swiss Alps. You can now expand upon these notes to create an engaging and informative blog post.



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