D. Complete the text with the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct. Blog 1a HOME ABOUT UNFORGETTABLE CONTACT Day 10 pica Hello again this time from Altyn-Emel National Park in the Almaty region of southeastern Kazakhstan! As you all know, I 1 (tour) this amazing country for ten days now. Today, our group 2 (decide) to visit the 'Singing Sand Dunes' of Altyn- (blow), Emel. In dry weather, every time the wind 3 you can hear a deep humming sound coming from the sand! It 4 (sound) like a plane is flying above. At the (get) ready to climb to the top of the moment, we 5 dune and slide down it slowly to make it sing again. 16 since we arrived, and 17 the phenomenon so that you can enjoy it for yourselves. (take) hundreds of pictures (film) 123RF and Shutterstock



Ответ дал: chotame


Certainly, here's the text completed with the appropriate verb forms:


Day 10 pica

Hello again, this time from Altyn-Emel National Park in the Almaty region of southeastern Kazakhstan! As you all know, I **have been touring** this amazing country for ten days now. Today, our group **has decided** to visit the 'Singing Sand Dunes' of Altyn-Emel. In dry weather, every time the wind **blows**, you can hear a deep humming sound coming from the sand! It **sounds** like a plane is flying above. At the moment, we **are getting** ready to climb to the top of the dune and slide down it slowly to make it sing again. It's been 16 days since we arrived, and we've **been filming** the phenomenon so that you can enjoy it for yourselves. We **have taken** hundreds of pictures from 123RF and Shutterstock.

This text uses various present tenses, including the Present Perfect Simple and Continuous, the Present Continuous, and the Present Simple, to describe the ongoing experience of the blogger in Altyn-Emel National Park.

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