1 Read the letter and answer the questions. 1 Who wrote the letter? 2 Who is he writing to? 3 Underline all the short forms (eg haven't, doesn't) in the letter. 4 Underline one example of an incomplete sentence. 5 Circle one example of informal punctuation. 6 Find informal words and phrases in the letter tha mean the same as these more formal words and phrases: a How are you? b Thank you very much c we have d a lot of 7 What two expressions did the writer use before signing his name? 8 How many main paragraphs are there? Dear Adam, Hi! How's it going? Thanks a lot for your postcard. Sounds like you had a great time in Switzerland. Well, we went back to school today for the first day of the winter term. Boring! I can't believe how quickly the summer holidays went. Actually, it wasn't that bad. There are a couple of new guys in my class this year and they both seem really nice. One of them is really good at football I'm going to try to get him on the team! Talking of football, we've got our first match next week. We're training hard at the moment, and I think we've got a good chance of winning. Wish us luck! Anyway, a better do now I've got loads of homework to do tonight (unfortunately!) ПОМОГИИТЕЕЕ ЖОССКО НУЖНО ТОК С 1ШК ЧЕЛЫ 8 КЛАСС НЕ СПИСЫВАЕТЕ ​



Ответ дал: theeldaradokz


Every person needs a friend. Friends are very important in our life. My best friend's name is Dasha. She is in my class. We have a lot in common. She likes sport and dancing. She is fond of music and films. We often spend time together: we walk after school, talk about different things, watch interesting films. We always meet at the weekends. I am happy I have a friend like Dasha. I am sure we will be friends forever.

ulzalgassamsiddinova: этот, а с ответами на вопросы чо делать, я ппц тупая с 4 не могу ответить
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