1 Match the questions to the answers.
1 What clubs have you joined this term?
2 Were you getting ready to go out at 8.00 am
this morning?
3 What team did you manage to get in last year?
4 Where do you usually go after school?
How have you changed since you were ten
years old?
Can you swim 100 metres in less than
two minutes?
Do you drink coffee at breakfast?
Should you spend longer on your homework
in the evenings?
a The swimming team.
b Only the basketball and photography ones.
c No, I can't.
d I nearly always go straight home.
e Yes, I was.
f Yes, I probably should.
g No, never.
h I've grown much taller!


Ответ дал: yegorvolkov2010

What clubs have you joined this term?

Answer: b) Only the basketball and photography ones.

Were you getting ready to go out at 8.00 am this morning?

Answer: e) Yes, I was.

What team did you manage to get in last year?

Answer: a) The swimming team.

Where do you usually go after school?

Answer: d) I nearly always go straight home.

How have you changed since you were ten years old?

Answer: h) I've grown much taller!

Can you swim 100 meters in less than two minutes?

Answer: c) No, I can't.

Do you drink coffee at breakfast?

Answer: g) No, never.

Should you spend longer on your homework in the evenings?

Answer: f) Yes, I probably should.

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