7 Match the sentences in the both columns.

1 I must do my homework.

21 have to do my homework. 31 must wear this new shirt

for the party.

4 I have to wear a shirt and a d) I'm really thirsty.

tie to go in.

51 must have a drink of water. e) It's another business trip.

6 I have to drink lots of water 7 We must go to London

sometimes. 81 have to go to London.

91 must go and see the


10 I have to go to the


a) I will look smarter. b) Tomorrow I have an im-

portant test.

c) I'm telling myself it's


. f) It's the rule.

g) My back hurts now and


h) The doctor told me so. i) It would be really nice.

j) I have an appointment.​
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Ответ дал: anyaprodan2012


очень сложно..........

dianadobrovolska698: мдааа...
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