Read the examples. Then write the opposites of the adjectives, 1-12. EP I'm finding coding impossible at the moment! Lucas's room is always really untidy. I'm quite independent. 1 kind 4 expensive 7 visible 10 fair 2 friendly 5 known 8 healthy 11 lucky 3 patient 6 polite 9 well 12 correct​


Ответ дал: vasiliy530126

Ответ:Certainly, here are the opposites of the adjectives:

1. kind - unkind

2. friendly - unfriendly

3. patient - impatient

4. expensive - inexpensive

5. known - unknown

6. polite - impolite

7. visible - invisible

8. healthy - unhealthy

9. well - unwell

10. fair - unfair

11. lucky - unlucky

12. correct - incorrect

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