Допоможіть з питаннями по англійській мові, велике дякую)

Answer the following questions:

1. What is an interview?
2. Why is it important to be well prepared for an interview?
3. When should you come and what should you bring with you at the interview?
4. How is it better to behave yourself?
5. Is it allowed to talk about personal things?
6. What should a person mention about her or his previous
7. What additional information should be presented? job?
8. How should a person behave at the end of the interview?
9. To your opinion what is the number one rule while being interviewed?
10.How would you react if you are told that you are not the best candidate to the desirable position?​


Ответ дал: succ223

я написав відповідь окремим файлом, бо знания не дає мені чомусь відповісти

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