10 examples of the word can
10 examples of the word impossible


Ответ дал: pentukkaterina16
можно лучший пж

1. I **can** swim very well.
2. Can you please pass the salt?
3. She **can** play the piano beautifully.
4. If you work hard, you **can** achieve your goals.
5. They **can** speak multiple languages.
6. I **can** bake delicious cookies.
7. Can you lend me your pen for a moment?
8. With practice, anyone **can** improve their skills.
9. I **can** meet you at the park tomorrow.
10. We **can** make a difference in the world.

1. Climbing that mountain alone seems **impossible**.
2. It's **impossible** to turn back time.
3. Winning the lottery is not **impossible**, but it's unlikely.
4. Doing all the work by yourself in one day is **impossible**.
5. It felt **impossible** to finish the marathon, but I did it!
6. Solving this puzzle seems **impossible** right now.
7. It's **impossible** to predict the future with certainty.
8. Achieving world peace may seem **impossible**, but we should strive for it.
9. For him, giving up was **impossible**.
10. Finding a unicorn is **impossible** because they don't exist.
Ответ дал: nota820310



   I can swim across the river.

   Can you pass me the salt, please?

   She can speak three languages fluently.

   With hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, you can achieve your goals.

   Can you believe it's already September?

   The doctor said I can start exercising again after my surgery.

   Can you help me with my homework?

   Despite the challenges, we can find a solution.

   I can't believe I can finally take a vacation.

   Can I borrow your pen for a moment?


   Climbing Mount Everest without proper training is impossible.

   It seems impossible to solve this complex puzzle.

   Winning the lottery is often seen as nearly impossible.

   It's not impossible to change your habits, but it takes time and effort.

   Without a ladder, reaching that high shelf would be impossible.

   It's almost impossible to predict the weather accurately.

   It's not impossible to mend a broken friendship, but it may be challenging.

   Completing the project within such a tight deadline seems nearly impossible.

   It's considered impossible for humans to travel faster than the speed of light.

   The idea of a perpetual motion machine is often dismissed as impossible by physicists.


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