9 Read and say True or False. Correct the false sentences. 1 Alan's very bad at maths. false 2 Alan loves doing puzzles and codes. True 3 At secondary school, Alan works hard at all subjects. 4 Alan studies English at Oxford University. Fase false 5 The 'Turing machine' is a way of calculating numbers. 6 Alan develops one of the first computers at Cambridge se University.​

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Ответ дал: jd3njfitk4jfirii


1. False. Alan's not bad at maths.

2. True. Alan loves doing puzzles and codes.

3. True. At secondary school, Alan works hard at all subjects.

4. False. Alan studies at Cambridge University, not Oxford.

5. True. The 'Turing machine' is a way of calculating numbers.

6. True. Alan develops one of the first computers at Cambridge University.

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