Нужно ответить на вопросы где возле вопроса есть плюс надо ответить положительно а где минус отрицательно пожалуйста!!
1. Are there any lemons + 2. Can her sis ter run fast - 3. Have you got a house? - 4. Is there a lot of fresh air + 5. Has she got any toys + 6. Are you happy + 7. Do you live in Pskov + 8. Does your uncle work here -


Ответ дал: FeyaSchastya05

1. Are there any lemons? - Yes, there are some lemons.

2. Can her sister run fast? - No, her sister can't run fast.

3. Have you got a house? - No, I haven't got a house.

4. Is there a lot of fresh air? - Yes, there is a lot of fresh air.

5. Has she got any toys? - Yes, she has got some toys.

6. Are you happy? - Yes, I am happy.

7. Do you live in Pskov? - Yes, I do / Yes, I live in Pskov.

8. Does your uncle work here? - No, he doesn't / No, my uncle doesn't work here.

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