1.Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence: (Постав в правильному порядку слова щоб вийшло речення)

1. kitchen My is great.

2. It is warm cold outside and in winter in summer.

3. morning in the evening. It is very cool in the and

4. high, very a tree.A bird sits high on

5. go to relax. Families to the sea Many

6. rich. is what makes Nature our country

Аноним: My kitchen is great.
Аноним: It is very cool in the morning and in the evening.


Ответ дал: Ljuaduahz

1)My kitchen is great.

2)It is warm in summer and cold outside in winter.

3)It is very cool in the morning and in the evening.

4)A bird sits high on a tree.

5)Many families go to the sea to relax.

6)Nature is what makes our country rich.

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