решите пожалуйста легкие задания про времена на английском



Ответ дал: Volkprokill


1. My brother works at a research Institute. He has been working there for five years since 1996. He is working on his thesis now. He has been working on his thesis for a year. Now he is making his experiments at the laboratory.

2. Professor M. takes courses in English and American Literature. He knows six foreign languages. He speaks and reads four languages fluently. At present, he is learning Japanese. He has been learning it for some months.

3. What are you doing here? I am translating an article about Shakespeare's life. I think you have been translating it for a long time. - Yes, this article is rather long and difficult. I have been translating it for a few days. Usually, I translate from English into Russian quite quickly. But as for this article, I have been working on it since Wednesday.

4. What do you usually do in the evenings? I usually do my homework, read, sometimes I watch television. Now I am writing a report. I have been working on it for an hour and a half.

5. Don't go out, it is raining now. It has been raining since early morning. It often rains here in autumn.


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