D. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Future be going to of the verbs in brackets. 1. Claudia and Michelle (go) camping this summer and they (stay) in a tent Claudia isn't very excited because last year she time on her camping holiday. 2. James (write) all of them yesterday and his sister A 3. Ken dad (not have) a nice (send) the invitations for his party tonight He (help) him. (ride) his bike to school yesterday, but today it's raining so his (drive) him there​


Ответ дал: CreckYT

Claudia and Michelle went camping this summer, and they stayed in a tent. Claudia isn't very excited because last year she had a terrible time on her camping holiday.

James wrote all of them yesterday, and his sister received them.

Ken's dad has not had a nice time. He sent the invitations for his party tonight. Ken helped him. He rode his bike to school yesterday, but today it's raining, so his dad is going to drive him there.

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