1. What is the difference between close friends and online friends?
2. How many friends do you have? Are they all close? Do you have online friends?
3.How well do you know them?
4. How do you think, it is easy to make new online friends?
5. Is it easy to make real life friends?
6. Is it mean to de-friend online friends?


Ответ дал: mauserjom


What is the difference between close friends and online friends?

Close friends are people with whom you have strong emotional bonds, trust, and often share your personal life and experiences in person. Online friends are individuals you've met or connected with on the internet through social media, forums, or other online platforms, and your interactions with them primarily occur digitally. The main difference is the depth and nature of the relationship, as close friends are typically more intimately connected.

How many friends do you have? Are they all close? Do you have online friends?

The number of friends varies from person to person, and not all of them are necessarily close friends. Some may have a few very close friends, while others have a larger circle of acquaintances. Online friends can be part of your social network, and the distinction between close and online friends depends on the depth of your connections.

How well do you know them?

The level of intimacy and knowledge about your friends can vary. You may know some friends very well, while others may be more distant acquaintances. Online friends might not be as well-known in terms of their personal lives, especially if you've never met them in person.

How do you think, is it easy to make new online friends?

Making new online friends can be relatively easy, as the internet provides a platform to connect with people who share similar interests or hobbies. However, forming meaningful and lasting friendships, whether online or in person, often requires time, effort, and shared experiences.

Is it easy to make real-life friends?

Making real-life friends can be both easy and challenging, depending on various factors such as your personality, social skills, and the environment you're in. Some people find it easier to make friends in person through shared activities, work, or school, while others may face more challenges.

Is it mean to de-friend online friends?

De-friending or unfriending online friends is a personal decision and not inherently mean. People may choose to remove online connections for various reasons, such as changes in interests, privacy concerns, or maintaining a more curated online presence. It's essential to be respectful and considerate when managing online friendships and to communicate openly if needed.

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