пере творити в секонд кондишинал

1.- John doesn't have enough money, so he can't buy a new laptop. 2.- My nephew doesn't see his friends often because he's very busy. 3.- We don't live in a city, so there is not much to do in the evening. 4.- My grandparents won't get a pet because they live in a small flat. 5.- My daughter uses her mobile a lot, so she has large phone bills. 6.- I'm busy, so I'm not going to the party tonight. 7.- Toni doesn't want to see us so he doesn't phone us. 8.- We don't eat out because it's so expensive. 9.- You won't get in the football team because you don't come to training sessions. 10.- The students enjoy your lessons, so theey come to every class.​


Ответ дал: darlingmist7254
To convert these sentences into second conditionals, you can use the following format:

"If [condition in the present], [result in the future]."

1. If John had more money, he could buy a new laptop.
2. If my nephew didn't have such a busy schedule, he would see his friends more often.
3. If we lived in a city, there would be more to do in the evening.
4. If my grandparents lived in a bigger place, they would get a pet.
5. If my daughter didn't use her mobile so much, her phone bills wouldn't be as high.
6. If I weren't busy, I would go to the party tonight.
7. If Toni wanted to see us, he would phone us.
8. If eating out weren't so expensive, we would eat out more often.
9. If you came to training sessions, you could get on the football team.
10. If the students enjoyed your lessons, they would come to every class.
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