6 Listen, point and repeat. Then match. 1 play board games 2 juggle 3 do a jigsaw puzzle 4 play video games 5 go bowling 6 play chess Bob b Ann Mary d S Es помогитеее не а1 а текст пж​


Ответ дал: u21yarik10



It seems like you are given a task to match people with their hobbies. Here's how the matches can be made based on the given information:

1. play board games - Mary (Ann and Bob are not matched with this hobby)

2. juggle - Bob (Ann, Mary, and S are not matched with this hobby)

3. do a jigsaw puzzle - Ann (Bob, Mary, and S are not matched with this hobby)

4. play video games - S (Ann, Bob, and Mary are not matched with this hobby)

5. go bowling - Es (Ann, Bob, Mary, and S are not matched with this hobby)

6. play chess - d (This may be a typo or an incomplete match. Without more context, it's unclear who matches with this hobby.)

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