complete the dialogue with some, any, no, every and their compounds.
Jane: Where are my keys? I can't find them (1)__
Gary: They're (2)__ in the living room. Jane: Those are my house keys. I'm looking for my car keys.
Gary: Are you sure there are (3)__ car keys in the living room? Let's go have a look.
Jane: See? They're not here. I've looked (4). (5) time i need to use the car, I can't find the keys.
Gary: Maybe (6)__ took them by mistake. Maybe Kate thought the keys were hers and took them.
Jane:(7)__ would make that mistake. I've got a bright red keyring on them. Hey, wait a minute m There's (8)__ in your pocket m What is it?
Gary: My keys.
Jane: Those are my keys, Gary, not yours!
Gary: Sorry.​


Ответ дал: DearGoodness


  • 1)Anywhere
  • 2)Nothing
  • 3)No
  • 4)Everywhere
  • 5)Some
  • 6)Someone
  • 7)Noone
  • 8)Something


Помог чем смог,надеюсь все верно,хотя я вроде и так проверил))


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