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С номером 7 там надо вставить либо must либо have to



Ответ дал: vladpetruk55

Відповідь: 1. You must bring your tracksuits for your PE classes.

2. I have to prepare my report for tomorrow.

3. Those who finish their exam mustn't start making noise.

4. The workbooks don't have to be brought to the class unless I tell you to bring them.

5. Students don't need to pay for the transportation as the school has its own bus.

6. If a student breaks a school rule, he/she has to stay at school after lessons to meet with the headmaster.

7. Students mustn't come to class late.

8. We don't have to hurry, we are early.

9. This is a private school, so the students have to wear their uniforms at all times.

10. Students don't have to stay at school during lunch break; they can go out.

Пояснення: Найкращу відповідь пж

Znaniyapolya: Спасибо
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