Срочно даю 100 балов
2. Answer the questions.

1)Which digital technologies do you use?

2) How does a sense of humor help us?

3)Is your mum a caring person? Prove that.

4)Are you an only child in your family? If so, would you like to have a brother or

5) a sister? 5)Characterize yourself with three adjectives (прикметники).

6)Which person is called outgoing?


Ответ дал: StrawberryPalyanitsa


на рахунок шостого трохи не точно, слово "outgoing" може означати дружній, або соціалізований...


1) We usually use computers and telephones, microwaves for household purposes, and etc.

2)Humor helps to be cheerful and fun throughout the day.

3)My mother is caring, she always helps me in a difficult situation and explains everything to me.

4) Тут ти маєш написати, чи ти єдина дитина у сім'ї... якщо так, то: I am the only child in the family, but I would like to have a brother (sister), because it is more fun with them.

5) Опиши себе трьома прикметниками: cheerful, active, funny.

6) such a person is called an open person who is not afraid of people and criticism (але це не точно, краще звернутись до словника)

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