Read the text about appearance.

Puc. 1. Short haircut

What is appearance? Appearance is human look. People can look very differently: be skinny or plump, tall or short, well-built or fit, bald or curly. People have wrinkles, moles and freckles on their faces.

Hair can be very different: some people prefer cutting it short, some let it grow long. Some men shave their heads and are bald. Some people dye their hair, and some like its natural color - blonde, brown, red or black. Often when we talk about senior people, we call their hair grey or 'salt and pepper' hair.

There is a proverb that says that the eyes are the windows of the soul. Probably It's true. People's eyes can be brons, blue, black or green. Some people have different-coloured eyes, for example, one blue and one brown. It's called heterochromia.

Some people are pale and some are dark-skinned. If you are very pale, be careful in summer you can get sunburned in no time.

We call the manner of walking the walk or pace. Some people limp, some shuffle, some stumble.

Write the missing words into the gaps:

1. People can look very differently be skinny or plump, tall or short, well-built or fit, balt or ......... .
2. Some men shave their heads and ......... .
3. Some people are pale and some are ......... .


Ответ дал: margobilan64


1)People can look very differently: be skinny or plump, tall or short, well-built or fit, bald or curly.

2)Some men shave their heads and are bald.

3)Some people are pale and some are dark-skinned.

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