Task 2- Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

1. When they (walk) on the ice, they (fall).

2. As Mike (run), a dog (attack) him.

3. My bag (break) when I (go) home.

4. Mary (wear) a new dress when I (see) her.

5. As I (carry) my books, my phone (ring).

6. I (hear) the news when I (have) lunch.

7. Last night I (read) in the bed when I suddenly (hear) a scream

8. Ann (wait) for me when I (arrive)

9. I (not drive) very fast when the accident (happen)

10. We (not/go) out because it (rain)


Ответ дал: olichka857
1) walked, fell
2) was running, attacked
3) broke, was going
4) was wearing, saw
5) was carrying, rang
6) heard, was having
7) was reading, heard
8) was waiting, arrived
9) wasn’t driving, happened
10) didn’t go, was raining
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