*2. Доповніть речення правильним присвійними прикметниками.
1. He is my friend.
name is Brian.
2. Susan has got a new car.
3. Lagos is a lovely city.
4. They don't like fish.
5. This is my brother.
6. It's
car is very nice.
avenue is great for walking.
favourite food is steak.
name is Nick..
birthday today. We're 14..
7. That is my cousin.
8. Manuel has got two daughters. They are
9. Kate and Gerry have got a new house. It's
10. He is my brother.
name is Jason..
11. This is
bike is new.
12. They are my parents.
$13. Margaret, where is
14. My father is 37 years old.
15. My brother is at home.
Where is
name is Maggie.
names are. Kay and Steven.
brother, John?
birthday is on 24th May



Ответ дал: vladoschikindos



He is my friend. His name is Brian.

Susan has got a new car. Its color is red.

Lagos is a lovely city. Its beaches are beautiful.

They don't like fish. Its taste is not appealing to them.

This is my brother. His name is Peter.

It's my car. Its color is blue. This avenue is great for walking. Its scenery is beautiful. My favorite food is steak. Its taste is delicious.

That is my cousin. Her name is Emily.

Manuel has got two daughters. They are his pride and joy.

Kate and Gerry have got a new house. Its architecture is stunning.

He is my brother. His name is Jason.

This is my bike. Its brand is Yamaha. The bike is new. Its condition is perfect.

They are my parents. Their names are Susan and John.

Margaret, where is your sister? Her name is Sarah.

My father is 37 years old. His name is David.

My brother is at home. Where is your sister? Her name is Maggie.

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