Decide if the sentences are correct. Rewrite the incorrect sentences.

1. If I were the President, I'd ban animals


2. We'll go to the cinema, if the tickets weren't too


3. What will you do, if you fail the test?

4. If you don't drink, you die.

5. If I were you, I'd look up to her.

6. If I had a million dollars, I travelled around the


7. If you mixes white and red, you would get



Ответ дал: Krevetka14

1. If I were the President, I'd ban animal testing.

2. We'll go to the cinema if the tickets weren't too expensive.

3. What will you do if you fail the test?

4. If you don't drink, you will die.

5. If I were you, I'd look up to her.

6. If I had a million dollars, I would travel around the world.

7. If you mix white and red, you would get pink.

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