Write about your favourite school subject and the activities you usually do on it.​


Ответ дал: StrawberryPalyanitsa


У тебе є завдання: Написати про твій улюблений шкільний предмет та дії, які ти зазвичай виконуєш на ньому.

Нехай це буде Трудове навчання:

I really like this subject, and I have a reason for that. I like to work with my hands and make products that I invented myself. I make figures from wood, later I can paint them with bright colors. (якщо ти дівчинка, то краще написати: I like to embroider with my own hands) and I think it's interesting. My hobby - is a great hobby, because after a long work you are always satisfied with the result.


Ответ дал: lilidili

Ответ:Здесь нужно написать про свой любимый предмет в школе и про то, что ты делаешь обычно в этих предметах.


Например: My favourite school subject is English. Because I love my English teacher. In English lessons we speak in English and play more interesting games.

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