Moscow is ... city in Russia. a) larger b) more large c) the largest 2. Who is the ... runner in your class? a) better b) best c) goodest 3. In the city the rivers are ... than in the country. a) dirtyer b) dirtier c) the dirtiest 4. Summer is the... season in the year. a) hotter b) hotest c) hottest 5. Jill is the... pupil in our class. a) baddest b) worse c) worst 6. He has got ... sweets than I. a) less b) little c) more little 7. Watching TV is ... than doing homework. a) interestinger b) more interesting c) the most interesting 8. In spring the days are ... than in winter. a) longer b) the longest c) the most long


Ответ дал: tamir689

Відповідь:Moscow is the largest city in Russia. (c)

Who is the best runner in your class? (b)

In the city, the rivers are dirtier than in the country. (b)

Summer is the hottest season in the year. (c)

Jill is the worst pupil in our class. (c)

He has got more sweets than I. (c)

Watching TV is more interesting than doing homework. (b)

In spring the days are longer than in winter. (a)


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