8 Read the Useful language phrases. Complete them with the words in the box. collar dark costumes decorations custom occasions USEFUL LANGUAGE Talking about traditional clothes 1 People wear traditional 2 This is a very important in my country. 6 There's a big of the coat. 3 They wear 4 The coat's got lots of gold 5 For important blue trousers. the (Beefeaters) wear (the state dress uniform). at the top​


Ответ дал: vladoschikindos



USEFUL LANGUAGE Talking about traditional clothes

1 People wear traditional costumes.

2 This is a very important custom in my country.

3 They wear dark blue trousers.

4 The coat's got lots of gold decorations.

5 For important occasions, (Beefeaters) wear the state dress uniform.

6 There's a big collar at the top of the coat.

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