1 It's my brothers birthday. He's sixteen.
It's my brother's birthday. He's sixteen.
2 Lucy is Ralphs sister.
3 My cousins names are Patrick and Aaron.
in the
74 These are Lauras bags.
5 Nicks father is a doctor.
- desk 6 That girls eyes are blue.
the 7 The childrens teacher is in the classroom.
the8 The students school bags are on the floor.

mauserjom: В чём заключается вопрос?
pypsik1382: чтоб кто то сделал это задание, я не понимаю его


Ответ дал: ArtKdirue

It's my brother's birthday. He's sixteen.

Lucy is Ralph's sister.

My cousins' names are Patrick and Aaron.

These are Laura's bags.

Nick's father is a doctor.

That girl's eyes are blue.

The children's teacher is in the classroom.

The students' school bags are on the floor.

pypsik1382: спасибо
pypsik1382: ты очень хорошо ответил!
pypsik1382: я случайно нажала 1 звезду, прости
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