Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about family and relationships. 2 3 1 What makes a good relationship? Describe a good relationship you have. Is it better to have a lot of friends or a few? Why? Have you ever made friends with someone through a social networking website? How? Family is not an important thing. It's everything! (Michael J Fox) Do you agree? Why?/Why not? How can parents have good relationships with their teenage children? 5 6 With my friends, I want to enjoy myself, not talk about my problems. Do you agree? Why?/Why not? 4 Role-play 2 Work in pairs. Read the information about the three party celebrations (1-3) and do the role-play task. Вiдкрити за допомогою Googl... The situation You and your group of friends are planning to celebrate a friend's birthday in a week's time. The task Look at the options 1, 2 and 3 and decide which type of celebration is the best. Discuss each option and consider ▸ the cost, ▸ the location, ▸ now you would get there and back Picture description 3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A-B) which show people in two different families. Take turns to compare and contrast the pictures. Include these points: ▶ > the relationships between the people. person can enjoy in the relat ship en how the relationships betw people might change in the futu Сторінка 14 3 24 ZA Party at a club Cost: E14.50 per person Location: in the town centre How to get there: bus or on foot Meal at a pizza restaurant Cost €10.60 per person Location: near the town centre How to get there: bus or taxi Bowling Cost: €8.50 per person. Location: 3 km from the town centre Q How to get there taxi​


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