Допоможіть будь ласка, репетитор загадала завдання а я не розумію



Ответ дал: zlatatimoshenko66

Ответ:1. They play football tomorrow.2. I not play croquet tomorrow.3. We not stay at home the next day. 4. We (stay) at home every Sunday.

5. He write letters very often.6. He write a letter at the moment.7. He write a letter now.8. Ann play the piano.9. Ann play the piano next lesson.

10. Listen! Ann play the piano.11. Do you get up early every day? 12. You  get up early the next morning? 13. It's already ten o'clock! Do you get up?

14. She take exams every year? 15. She take the exam in a month?16. She pass her exam now?

17. Where do you go every Saturday?

18. Where do you go now?


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