1 Complete the gaps in the text with a I an, the, or no article (-). My school There is 1 school near my house, and I go there. We have 2 nice classroom, with lots of interesting pictures on the walls. The school isn't very high-tech, but there is 3 old laptop for the teacher at the front of 4 classroom My favourite day at school is Friday because we do 5 music in 6 we play basketball in? gym after lunch. We have ° morning. Then really good English teacher too. She went to 10 Oxford University, and she's really nice. Пжжжж очень срочно пжжжжжжсрочно


Ответ дал: masslow97

My school: There is a school near my house, and I go there. We have nice classrooms, with lots of interesting pictures on the walls. The school isn't very high-tech, but there is an old laptop for the teacher at the front of the classroom. My favourite day at school is Friday because we do music in the gym after lunch. We have a morning. Then we have a really good English teacher too. She went to Oxford University, and she's really nice.

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