5 a) Look at the underlined verbs in the text. Which ones are transitive (need an object)? intransitive (don't need an object)? b) Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verbs below and decide whether they are transitive (T) or intransitive (/). • answer •cost •hear •leave •sleep 1. The lecturer ..... .......... all the students' questions when he finished his lecture. ● 2. Don't call her now. She .................. 3 I was so tired of waiting, so I got up and........ 4.He estimates that the road trip along the US east coast .... ........ a small fortune. 5. This is the most exciting story I .......... in my life!​


Ответ дал: fuzey5721



) Here are the verbs in the text categorized as transitive (T) or intransitive (I):

Transitive (T):



Intransitive (I):




b) Now, let's fill in the gaps with the appropriate forms of the verbs:

The lecturer answered all the students' questions when he finished his lecture. (T)

Don't call her now. She's sleeping. (I)

I was so tired of waiting, so I got up and left. (I)

He estimates that the road trip along the US east coast will cost a small fortune. (T)

This is the most exciting story I've ever heard in my life! (T)

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