** Put the verbs in brackets into the
form of the present simple or the present
Dear Diary,
It's my second day in
Departamento de Yoro in
Honduras, and something really
bizarre 1) is
(happen) right now. Hundreds
of fish 2)
from the sky! 13)
...............(not/believe) what
(look) at! I know this event
(occur) in the area every summer, but
witnessing the actual thing is something else. What I can
(see) from
Some people 7).
others 8).
meal. The children 9)
most fun, though. They 10)
silvery creatures and they 11).
them at their friends, in some kind of fun game.
my window is totally awesomel
...... (run) to take cover, while
(collect) fish for the evening's
(seem) to be having the
. (grab) the
Tomorrow, I 12)
(go) to the local library to
see if I can find some information about this amazing phenomenon.


Ответ дал: vitalik2411


Dear Diary,

It's my second day in Departamento de Yoro in Honduras, and something really bizarre is happening right now. Hundreds of fish are falling from the sky! I can't believe what I am looking at! I know this event occurs in the area every summer, but witnessing the actual thing is something else. What I can see from my window is totally awesome!

Some people are running to take cover, while others are collecting fish for the evening's meal. The children seem to be having the most fun, though. They are grabbing the silvery creatures and throwing them at their friends, in some kind of fun game.

Tomorrow, I am going to the local library to see if I can find some information about this amazing phenomenon.


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