Read the theory. Find the linking sounds in the sentences below. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. Can I go to the lab? 3 I hope it's OK for Anna to come with us. 4 How about eight o'clock? 4 1 2 I am always late for school.​



Ответ дал: rusya484


1. What are you going to do ?

Tonight I'm going to make a delicious soup for dinner. (Сегодня вечером я собираюсь приготовить вкусный суп на ужин.)

2. Is John coming too ?

No, John will stay at home. His mom got sick. (Нет, Джон останется дома. Его мама заболела.)

Yes, John will come. (Да, Джон придет.)

3. When are they going to come ?

They will arrive at 17:00 (они прибудут в 17:00)

4. Are they seeing Ann tonight ?

No, they won't see Ann today (Нет, они не увидят сегодня Энн)

Yes they'll see Anne tonight (Да, они увидят сегодня Энн)

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