1) 2) 3) 14 4) 5) 6) 7) ») 10. Discuss with a partner what questions from exercise 9a you will ask in the following situations. Example: You are late. What do you say? - - I'm sorry, I'm late. May I come in? You don't know what "script" means. You want your teacher to write something on the board. You didn't hear well what the teacher said. You don't know in English. You don't know how to say the word correctly. You didn't understand the rule and want more clear information. Your teacher or partner is speaking very quietly and you can't hear them well. 8) You don't know how to spell "forehead". 9) You don't know who you're working with.​


Ответ дал: Fridyla



What are the 5 examples of reported speech?Verb Tense in Reported SpeechQuotationReported Speech"Where have they gone?"Felicite wondered where they had gone."Will you help me?"I asked Silvio if they would help me."I can't remember your name."Soungyoung said she couldn't remember my name."The exam will be next week."Dr. Park said the exam will be next week.*

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