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Ответ дал: smk0010
— What are you doing (you/to do), Kate?
— I am thinking (to think) what to cook for supper.
— (not you to know)?
— Well, I want (to want) to cook meat with vegetables, but this piece of meat doesn't smell (not to smell) good. It doesn't look (not to look) fresh. Let's cook fish instead.
— (you/to think) it's a good idea?
— Fish is (to be) also good with vegetables. Why not? This fish weighs (to weigh) more than one kilo. Let's cut a piece of it. Do you think (you/to think) this piece will be enough? It looks (to look) very nice. We'll cook a delicious dish of it. I love (to love) fish.
— Let's taste (to taste) it. The fish is fantastic!
— Me, too. Let's try it. Look, I think (to taste) really delicious!
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