Example: a) cat - cat's b) the cats - the cats' a) cat b) the cats c) the neighbours d) men e) the girls f) my sisters g) your grandparents h) the penguins i) the dog j) women k) Aigul 1) the children m) my friends n) our neighbour o) her parents​


Ответ дал: karimovamilvara


c) the neighbours'

d) men's

e) the girls'

f) my sisters'

g) your grandparents'

h) the penguins'

i) the dog's

j) women's

k) Aigul's

l) the children's

m) my friends'

n) our neighbour's

o) her parents'

bajelkerimov08: Ваще бомба
mirgul89mkm: Спасибо большое
Ответ дал: misuos201
Here are the possessive forms of the given nouns:

a) cat - cat's
b) the cats - the cats'
c) the neighbours' (assuming it refers to multiple neighbors)
d) men's
e) the girls'
f) my sisters'
g) your grandparents'
h) the penguins'
i) the dog's
j) women's
k) Aigul's
l) the children's
m) my friends'
n) our neighbor's
o) her parents'
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