Put the verbs into the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Perfect)

1.Yesterday a boy (destroy) the snowman that we (build).
2.Jimmy (tell) us about the film that he (see).
3.We (find) the mobile phone that Marvin (lose).
4.He (sing)a song that I (hear/never).
5.Catherine (open) the window that I (close/just).​


Ответ дал: StarSpangledBanner

1. Yesterday a boy destroyed the snowman that we had built.

2.Jimmy told us about the film that he had seen.

3.We found the mobile phone that Marvin had lost.

4. He sang a song that I had never heard.

5.Catherine opened the window that I had just closed.

Объяснение :

Past Perfect (had+participle II) употребляется в трех случаях:

1. Для обозначения действия, произошедшего до другого действия в прошлом:

I had had breakfast ,before going to work.

2.Для обозначения действия, результат которого был виден в прошлом:

I was upset.I had forgotten my bag in the car.

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