will vs. be going to 3** Circle the correct words. Use be going to for plans and intentions and will for predictions. Tiger x2 2022 is the Chinese year of the tiger, but the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) believes that wild tigers are going to /will disappear completely in the next 50 years. That's why this year WWF Zis going to / will start a new project called Tiger x2. With this project, the WWF ³are going to / will try to protect 12 important areas where tigers live, and they are going to / will use new technology to find tigers so they can stop people from killing them. Experts think this new technology is going to / will be very important, but WWF also predicts that it isn't going to / won't be easy. Projects like this always need a lot of money, so the news that the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation 'is going to / will help save the tigers is fantastic! They think this is going to / will make a big difference to the tigers.​


Ответ дал: leolaren


Sure, let's circle the correct words in the text based on the use of "be going to" for plans and intentions and "will" for predictions:

Tiger x2 2022 is the Chinese year of the tiger, but the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) believes that wild tigers **are going to** disappear completely in the next 50 years. That's why this year WWF **is going to** start a new project called Tiger x2. With this project, the WWF **will** try to protect 12 important areas where tigers live, and they **will** use new technology to find tigers so they can stop people from killing them. Experts think this new technology **will** be very important, but WWF also predicts that it **isn't going to** be easy. Projects like this always need a lot of money, so the news that the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation **is going to** help save the tigers is fantastic! They think this **will** make a big difference to the tigers.

I've circled the correct words based on the usage of "be going to" and "will" in the text. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, please let me know.

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