Present Perfect Simple
1 I have not found it always so.(not/find)



Ответ дал: bakosya005


4. Woman has broken the silence of the century

5. He has given it all to me

6. Heavy rain has fallen in the night

7. See what they have made of it

8. I have been at work all night

9. You have lived in it for years

10. You say that you haven't forgotten

11. Then you haven't done your duty

12. You don't know what I have suffered

13. She has reached a danger-point

14. Haven't we had a happy evening?

15. I have never been out of this country

16. I haven't seen him for the last week

17. I have held the position for three years

18. You have never taken any before

19. Have you got a post as companion?

20. You haven't heard the last of me

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