257. Tom … a new flat.

a) buy

b) buyed

c) bought

258. My classmate … the third answer.

a) choose

b) chose

c) chosen

259. Her car … down.

a) break

b) broke

c) breaking

260. She … her apartment.

a) sold

b) sell

c) have sol d

261. She … a lot yesterday.

a) sleep

b) slept

c) sleeped

262. They … it away.

a) threw

b) throw

c) thrown

263. I … them the ball.

a) thrown

b) threw

c) throwing

264. He … a glass of orange juice.

a) drink

b) drank

c) drunk

265. After the party, she … like a baby.

a) sleep
a) sleep

b) slept

c) sleeped

266. The shoes … about 50 dollars.

a) costed

b) costing

c) cost

267. The dress … less than she expected.

a) costing

b) cost

c) is costing

268. She … a small house on that land.

a) build

b) built

c) have built

269. The engineers … a high building.

a) built

b) builds

c) has built

270. I … a glass of milk before going to bed.

a) drunk

b) drank

c) drinks

271. Her advice … me much.

a) didn’t help

b) wasn’t help

c) haven’t helped

272. I … free time at all then.

a) didn’t have

b) didn’t had

c) couldn’t ha d

273. My boyfriend … to the gym two days ago.

a) wasn’t go

b) didn’t go

c) weren’t go
c) weren’t go

274. She … what to say.

a) didn’t knew

b) don’t know

c) didn’t know

275. They … out help back then.

a) didn’t needed

b) didn’t need

c) hasn’t need

276. Honestly, I … feel happy.

a) wasn’t

b) didn’t

c) doesn’t

277. He … ask us that question.

a) didn’t

b) wasn’t

c) don’t

278. He … her yesterday.

a) didn’t call

b) haven’t call

c) didn’t called

279. They … the exams.

a) don’t passed

b) haven’t pass

c) didn’t pass

280. My close friends … to that party.

a) weren’t go

b) didn’t go

c) wasn’t go

281. … she become so famous?

a) Did

b) Was

c) Have

282. Did he … all these new words?

a) learned
a) learned

b) learn

c) learnt

283. … you continue buying this kind of perfumes?

a) Was

b) Did

c) Were

284. Did you … tired after doing so much work?

a) got

b) get

c) became

285. … they agree with you?

a) Were

b) Was

c) Did

286. Did it … them greatly?

a) interested

b) interest

c) interestin g

287. Did it … to you too?

a) happen

b) happened

c) happenned

288. … they meet for the first time?

a) Did

b) Were

c) Was

289. … she pay for everything?

a) Was

b) Did

c) Do

290. … you tell her our secret?

a) Was

b) Did

c) Were​


Ответ дал: dukabuka124


257. Tom bought a new flat. (c) bought

258. My classmate chose the third answer. (b) chose

259. Her car broke down. (b) broke

260. She sold her apartment. (a) sold

261. She slept a lot yesterday. (b) slept

262. They threw it away. (a) threw

263. I threw them the ball. (b) threw

264. He drank a glass of orange juice. (b) drank

265. After the party, she slept like a baby. (b) slept

266. The shoes cost about 50 dollars. (c) cost

267. The dress cost less than she expected. (b) cost

268. She built a small house on that land. (b) built

269. The engineers built a high building. (a) built

270. I drank a glass of milk before going to bed. (b) drank

271. Her advice didn't help me much. (a) didn’t help

272. I didn't have any free time at all then. (a) didn’t have

273. My boyfriend didn't go to the gym two days ago. (b) didn’t go

274. She didn't know what to say. (c) didn’t know

275. They didn't need out help back then. (b) didn’t need

276. Honestly, I wasn't feel happy. (b) didn’t

277. He didn't ask us that question. (a) didn’t

278. He didn't call her yesterday. (a) didn’t call

279. They didn't pass the exams. (c) didn’t pass

280. My close friends didn't go to that party. (b) didn’t go

281. Did she become so famous? (a) Did

282. Did he learn all these new words? (a) learned

283. Did you continue buying this kind of perfumes? (b) Did

284. Did you get tired after doing so much work? (b) get

285. Did they agree with you? (c) Did

286. Did it interest them greatly? (b) interest

287. Did it happen to you too? (a) happen

288. Did they meet for the first time? (a) Did

289. Did she pay for everything? (b) Did

290. Did you tell her our secret? (b) Did

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