(Переглянути сайт школи) Складіть 9 запитань для однокласників, про школу.


Ответ дал: wfwef3


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What is your favorite subject or class at school, and why?

Are there any school clubs or extracurricular activities you're involved in? If so, which ones, and what do you enjoy about them?

How do you usually prepare for exams or tests? Any study tips you can share?

What's your favorite memory from a school field trip or special event?

Do you have a favorite teacher? What makes them stand out as a great educator?

Are there any changes or improvements you'd like to see in the school facilities or services?

How do you balance your schoolwork with your personal interests and hobbies outside of school?

What's the most challenging aspect of school for you, and how do you deal with it?

Have you set any academic or personal goals for this school year? If so, what are they, and how are you working towards achieving them?

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