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Ответ дал: papkamemnaa651


Oleg was a hardworking and generous man who always helped others. He had a wife, Elena, who was lazy and greedy. She did not appreciate his efforts and constantly demanded money from him for her luxurious needs. Oleg was also very polite and did not want to quarrel with her. He tried to make her happy, but she was always unhappy and poor.

Once Oleg found a wounded wolf in the forest. He took care of him and brought him to his house. Elena was very angry when she saw the wolf. She called Oleg stupid and senseless for risking his life for an animal. She wanted him to get rid of the wolf or sell it in the market. But Oleg did not listen to her. He fell in love with the wolf and took care of him as his friend.

Over time, the wolf recovered and became strong and beautiful. He was very grateful to Oleg for his care and kindness. He became his loyal defender and friend. Elena continued to be selfish and jealous of the wolf. She tried to poison him or put him in danger. But the wolf was always careful and smart. He avoided her traps and did not let her harm Oleg.

One day Elena came up with a new plan. She told Oleh that she wanted to ask him for forgiveness for her behavior and offered him to go with her on a picnic in the forest. Oleg was surprised, but happy. He thought she had changed for the better. They went to the forest in their car, and left the wolf at home.

But when they arrived at the forest, Olena told Oleg that it was all just tricks. She pointed a revolver at him and said she wanted to kill him and take all his money. Oleg was shocked and desperate. He had no time to react or defend himself.

But suddenly a wolf jumped out from behind the trees. It turns out that he saw Elena packing a revolver in her bag and suspected that she was going to do something bad. He secretly followed them and arrived in the forest with them. He attacked Elena and snatched the revolver from her. Then he began to growl at her and show his sharp teeth.

Elena was scared to death. She screamed and ran away from the forest. She never returned to Oleg again. Oleg was very grateful to the wolf for saving him. He hugged him and thanked him for his loyalty and kindness. They returned to their home and continued to live together happily and peacefully. Oleg found a new wife who was as caring and generous as he was. The wolf became part of their family and always protected them from all evil.

nikki4143: Дякую!!!
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