Imagine you were donated 20 000 hryvnias to set up a club or a centre for teenagers. In groups, think and decide:
1.what club or centre you’d like to set up and why;
2.what teenagers might be interested in your centre/club;
3.what the aim of your future centre/club may be;
4.what activities you’ll suggest teenagers;
5.how you would spend 20 000 hryvnias for setting up a new centre


Ответ дал: Аноним


1. I would set up a buisness for teenagers because we also need to earn our money, not only ask parents to give us some.

2. They can work fully like adults, earn their money, understnd which profession they like better. Children and teenagers are even more productive than other people so everyone will be accepted!

3. The aim of my buisness is to make teenagers understand what proffesion they really want, so they can try out everything and know what they are capabale of.

4. It starts from the easiest profession to the most dfficult one.

5. First i would buy a building, then i would make a name, a logo and other things to have a beautiful building and a nice office for everyone. After i hire the employees, they have a month to choose which profession suits them the most. After they can work for that profession until they are 18. Finally, after they turn 18 they can find an adult job.

anilucy2008: Спасиииибо
Аноним: пж
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