Напишіть про людину у вашій родині, якою ви захоплюєтеся. Що робить його/її таким особливим для вас? Чого він/вона вчить вас робити? Чи хотіли б ви бути схожими на цю людину в його/її віці?


Ответ дал: kassianilirian

I admire my cousin. He is very intelligent and always tells a lot of interesting things about biology and geography, and he is always adjusting his glasses and it is very fun to watch. He really likes to spend time with me, although he never says it and tries to deny it, but in some moments he really cares for me. He teaches me never to give up and to go to the end for my goal. "Never back down, never what? Never give up!" it's a catchphrase we use when we get into some trouble together, which happens often, because although he looks quiet, he's actually very restless. I would really like to be like him at his age! He is very restrained, but knows how to control his emotions and take responsibility into his own hands. I also want to be intelligent as him!

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