Underline the correct alternatives to complete the sentences. 1 This project is taking/takes me longer to do than usual. 2 You can't borrow my car because I am needing/ need it this afternoon. 3 Who is coming/comes to your party on Saturday? 4 So, what do you do/are you doing? Are you a teacher? 5 The local council is thinking/thinks that environmental issues are important. 6 How of t en are they visiting/do they visit you?​


Ответ дал: ilyagliba02

This project is taking me longer to do than usual. (Present Continuous "is taking" is used to describe an action in progress.)

You can't borrow my car because I need it this afternoon. (Simple Present "need" is used for general facts or habitual actions.)

Who is coming to your party on Saturday? (Present Continuous "is coming" is used to talk about future plans or arrangements.)

So, what do you do? Are you a teacher? (Simple Present "do" is used to ask about someone's profession or occupation.)

The local council thinks that environmental issues are important. (Simple Present "thinks" is used to express opinions or beliefs.)

How often do they visit you? (Simple Present "do they visit" is used to talk about regular or habitual actions.)

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