Complete the text with these words.
cosy dismiss dull overwhelming pigeonhole
pretty reluctant willing worthwhile
Small change, big difference
Is life feeling ¹…..
right now? Are you 2…..
get out and try something new? Then change. But
this doesn't mean taking on huge challenges that
become ³….
... The key to
shaking up your routine is to start small. Look for
ways of changing the stuff you do every day: take
a different route to school or college, download a
song by a band you've never heard before, talk to a
student you don't normally mix with. These things
might sound 4….
basic but
don't s
and boring
them. For one thing,
they help to make day-to-day life a bit more fun.
And they really can be 6…..
because they make you start to think differently.
It's easy to 7….
yourself with
fixed roles and routines. Making a change every
day helps you escape in a risk-free way. And if
you're 8…..
to step out of
your ⁹….
routine in small
ways, you're much more likely to take on bigger


Ответ дал: wwanderrers


Here's the completed text with the provided words:

Small change, big difference

Is life feeling **overwhelming** right now? Are you **reluctant** to get out and try something new? Then change. But this doesn't mean taking on huge challenges that become **pretty dull**... The key to shaking up your routine is to start small. Look for ways of changing the stuff you do every day: take a different route to school or college, download a song by a band you've never heard before, talk to a student you don't normally mix with. These things might sound **cosy and basic** but don't **dismiss** them. For one thing, they help to make day-to-day life a bit more fun. And they really can be **worthwhile** because they make you start to think differently. It's easy to **pigeonhole** yourself with fixed roles and routines. Making a change every day helps you escape in a risk-free way. And if you're **willing** to step out of your **dull** routine in small ways, you're much more likely to take on bigger challenges.

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