СКЛАСТИ письмово діалог за зразком: зразок=What can we do today after school? Any ideas? Let's fly our kites in the park. No, it's raining and it's cold. Let's do something else. What about making a collage at my house? That's boring. I don't like making collages. I know! Why don't we build model cars? We all love doing that! Nice Idea! Sure! That sounds like fun!​


Ответ дал: yermolovam


What can we do after school today? Any ideas? Let's make origami at home. No, you live far away. Let's do something else. How about creating a collage at home? It's great but no. I don't like making collages. I know! Why don't we build architectural models? We all love to do it! Good idea! Of course! Sounds like fun!


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