2 1.11 Read and listen to the text and check your ideas to Exercise 1. Supercomputers Personal computers help us to communicate and organise our lives. They help us to work and also to have fun. But in science, the type of computer that we use every day isn't powerful enough. Scientists need more powerful computers to help them understand the world around us. They use these 'supercomputers' to do experiments that might be difficult or dangerous in the real world. Supercomputers are huge and are much faster than personal computers. Some of them can do more than one quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000 calculations in a second. A supercomputer can work so quickly because it has many CPUs. The CPU, or Central Processing Unit is the brain of the computer. It can process information very fast and accurately. Scientists us this power to make virtual physical worlds that he them with research. Every time you see the weather forecast on TV you are seeing the work of very powerful​


Ответ дал: alonka0890795


i think supercomputers are very useful and comfortable because of the modernization. its also very powerful so you shouldn't worry about low internet connection!

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